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Case Study

DDP Roofing Services

Pennsylvania commercial roofer integrates all its accounting data and processes through Sage 300 CRE.

  • Results With Sage 300 CRE:

    Decreased payroll processing time by 50%

    Generated invoices 5 times faster

    Reduced errors and time required to fix them

    DDP Roofing Services, Inc. is one of the leading commercial roofing providers on the East Coast. DDP uses Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate to deliver instant response and accountability for their manufacturing, industrial, and retail clients expect.

    When Controller Susan Parker came aboard, their “clunky and outdated” accounting software was the first thing to go. Susan used and/or implemented Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate at four former workplaces. She knows efficiency when she sees it. “We have great integration now between all departments regardless of location. Plus there’s a record of ALL of the transactions in one place without having to search.”

    Easily Integrated Apps

    DDP has customized a system that seamlessly incorporates numerous Sage add-ons as well as integrated products from Sage development partners.

    Sage Service Operations brings DDP field technicians and project managers into the system. “It makes their lives much easier,” says Susan. “Now they see the work orders that have been assigned to them for the day so they’re not calling the office and texting and emailing service coordinators for parts and data and directions.” Sage Service Operations was “pretty much a phase two implementation” to enhance Service Management so that “the work orders interface with the General Ledger and AR, and job costing.” This also gave DDP the ability to capture field time electronically. And again, that information also flows seamlessly into all other reporting.

    Sage Paperless Construction gives Susan the ease, organization, and electronic delivery system she craved. “Everything is where it’s supposed to be.” Simply enter the job name or number into Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate and “You get every document that you ever wanted to see…. Any purchase orders, any material lists that purchasing has, project manager emails, whatever someone has saved there, you have the history of the job at your fingertips.”

    MyAssistant lets Susan decide what information goes where. “It’s a very convenient tool and it’s very easy to administer.” She can choose who sees which reports and schedule their delivery in advance. That way, “You’re not waiting until the end of the job and then going, “Oh what the heck happened?” Instead you can track progress and expenses in real time and, “Get them back on track before it’s too late.”

    Integrated Information and Communication

    The way DDP has configured Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate and its addons has streamlined communications between everyone in the company. “Our two owners are very happy.” says Susan. The information they need is “in their email and it’s a PDF. … They can review it whenever they want to review it.”

    But the biggest benefits come from the integration with the field. Job write ups are delivered electronically and, as Susan explains, “Our project managers have them on their iPads and the phone apps. If they want to pull the material list at 9 at night, they can do it.” The field interface also allows workers to punch in and punch out electronically. “Then their actual work time will go on and flow right into the service management module.”

    In all, DDP has Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate users in all areas of the organization such as accounting, estimating, purchasing, service, warehousing, sales, and project management. This seamless integration has greatly reduced the number of headaches for everyone, especially Susan. “I don’t have the complaints or the line at my door I used to have.”

    “The Service Management modules with the Sage Service Operations add-on allows us to bill … in a day or two instead of 7 to 10 days.”

    Susan Parker
    Controller, DDP Roofing Services

    Reduce Over 80% Error

    Before Sage, DDP was making 10-15 errors a week. Worse, Susan reports, “There were times when we could not correct the error.” Today DDP has less than two errors per week and “It’s very easy to correct your mistakes. … Something that took hours upon hours has been reduced down to 10-minute sessions.”

    Half the Payroll Processing Time

    The time it takes DDP to run payroll has also been slashed – from 5 days to 2.5 days a week. In large part, that’s because all the hours captured in the field go directly into the Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate Paperless capabilities. As Susan puts it, “That’s increased our productivity significantly.”

    75% Faster Invoicing

    Before Susan joined DDP, every work order and invoice had to be entered twice. That’s because the accounting and sales programs didn’t have the ability to interface or integrate. So right away, DDP cut labor hours in half. But with Service Management and Service Operations fully integrated, invoices also go out much sooner. According to Susan, work orders can now “be billed in a day or two instead of 7 to 10 days.”

    Strategic Growth

    Not only does DDP Roofing use Sage software, they use it strategically, deploying add-ons that give every user in the company more accurate real time data. “It’s just a great collaboration tool and a great tool to get data out of a system.” Susan remarks. Of course, that’s only one of the reasons the company has grown so dramatically from its humble beginnings in an owner’s garage to a $50 million a year commercial leader.

    Today DDP has some 150 employees and support staff installing, inspecting, repairing, and re-roofing structures up and down the east coast. DDP Roofing Services is so successful because of those people – because every one of those people are doing their customers, their company, and themselves DDP Proud.

    Get total project visibility with end-to-end construction and property management software like DDP Roofing Services.